Author Guidelines
The editorial board of English Language and Literature Journal (EL2J) welcomes complete unpublished and original works on the following topics: Language, Linguistics, Literature, or Teaching and learning of English.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the editorial assistant at:
EL2J Author Guidelines:
Authors must strictly follow the submission guidelines of the journal. To submissions that do not adhere to the guidelines provided, they will be RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS. Please submit your article through the online submission of this journal.
Article Structure in General:
All articles must be written in English or Indonesia. It should have an abstract between 200 to 250 words in length, followed by three to five keywords related to your article. Submissions should be between 4000-8000 (including abstract, table(s), figure(s) and references) in A4 size paper with margins as the following: top 1.18”, bottom 0.98”, right 0.98” and left 1.58”.
Title: the title should summarize the main idea or ideas of your paper; the title is within 14 words maximum.
Author detail: include name of authors and their affiliation. Email is required for corresponding author only. EL2J requires that authorship be based on the following 4 criteria:
- Substantial contributions to the idea or method of the research; or the collection, analysis, or interpretation of data for the research; AND
- Drafting the paper or revising it for important intellectual content; AND
- Final approval of the version to be submitted and published; AND
- Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the paper (and research) in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
Contributors who do not meet all 4 criteria for authorship above should be listed in acknowledgement, not as authors. Therefore, contributors doing acquisition of funding; general supervision of a research group or general administrative support; and writing assistance, technical editing, language editing, and proofreading do not qualify for authorship. The contribution of each author to the article must be stated in the cover letter, to be uploaded as a supplementary file into the OJS during article submission. Download the cover letter template HERE.
Abstract: concisely describe the content and scope of your paper and identify the objective(s), its methodology and its findings, conclusions, or intended results.
Introduction: state the objectives of your work and provide an adequate background, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results. Explicitly state the gap in the literature, which signifies the significance of your research.
When paraphrasing a source that is not your own, be sure to represent the author’s information or opinions accurately and in your own words. Even when paraphrasing an author’s work, you still must provide a citation to that work. When directly quoting an author’s work, provide citation marks at the beginning till the end of the citation, and page number is necessary to be noted besides the name of the author and year of publication.
Literature Review: include the current knowledge including substantive findings, as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to your topic. A literature review surveys books, scholarly articles, and any other sources relevant to a particular issue, area of research, or theory, and by so doing, provides a description, summary, and critical evaluation of these works in relation to the research problem being investigated.
Method: provide sufficient detail to allow your work to be reproduced. Methods already published should be indicated by a reference: only relevant modifications should be described.
Results: present the results of your work. Use graphs and tables if appropriate, but also summarize your main findings in the text. Do NOT discuss the results or speculate as to why something happened; that goes in the Discussion.
Discussion: highlight the most significant results, but do not repeat what has been written in the Results section. The purpose of the discussion is to interpret and describe the significance of your findings in light of what was already known about the research problem being investigated and to explain any new understanding or insights that emerged as a result of your study of the problem. A combined Results and Discussion section is often appropriate.
Conclusion: provide the final words on the value of your analysis, research, or paper. Limitations of your study should be addressed. Recommendations for future research related to your topic should also be mentioned.
Acknowledgments (optional): give credit to funding bodies and departments that have been of help during the project, for instance by supporting it financially.
References: follow the APA 7 style.
Please note that all names/references mentioned in the text/article, they should be listed in the References section. Names that are not mentioned in the text/article, they should be removed from the References section.
Appendices (optional): if there is more than one appendix, they should be identified as Appendix A, Appendix B, etc. Formulae and equations in appendices should be given separate numbering: Eq. (A.1), Eq. (A.2), etc.; in a subsequent appendix, Eq. (B.1) and so on. Similarly for tables and figures: Table A.1; Fig. A.1, etc.
Further guidelines are provided below.
Headings and subheadings should be presented as follows (provide a space between the headings and sub-headings):
1.1 Subheading of the Content
1.1.1 Subheading of the content
Indent the first line of every paragraph by 1 cm.
For Tables, the title size is 12 and the content size is 10. Number the tables subsequently throughout your article and the title is written above the table (see previous published issues for example).
For Figures, the title size is 12 and the content size (if any) is 10. Number the figures subsequently throughout your article and the title is written below the figure (see previous published issues for example).
The reference list should be arranged alphabetically following the guidelines of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). For example:
1 author (Clarke, 2010)
2 authors (Lightbown & Spada, 1993)
3 authors (Reid et al., 1989)
Short quotations (less than 40 words):
Deterding (1997, p. 54) said that “connected speech represents somewhat more natural data than the rather artificial vowels derived from specially articulated citation speech”.
Long quotations (more than 40 words):
From the acoustic standpoint, even the sounds of words used by a speaker are one of the forms of his or her identity. Accordingly, Jacobi (2009) explained that:
Along with communicating meaning, the acoustic signal is a product of physical properties and changes, as well as of more generally all those factors that form the identity of the speaker, such as social affiliation or family origin. The choice of words but also the way they are realized differs from speaker to speaker, as well as within a speaker. Even more, from an acoustic point of view, each utterance is unique. (Jacobi, 2009, p. 2)
Reference Manager
Prior to copyediting after article acceptance, the references will be hyperlinked with corresponding in-text citations by the Editors. All references and in-text citations should be in the APA 7th edition and present inside the main body of the article. References that are not cited should be removed.
For consistency and convenience, please use the TEMPLATE we already prepared for Author(s).