WORLDVIEW ( Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis dan Sosial Sains ) <p><strong>WORLDVIEW ( Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis dan Sosial Sains )</strong>&nbsp; adalah jurnal terbitan Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Wijaya Putra (UWP), terbit dua kali dalam setahun ( Januari- Juni dan Juli - Desember).&nbsp; <strong>WORLDVIEV</strong> Fokus pada hasil penelitian empiris serta studi konseptual dan teoritis dalam bidang&nbsp; <strong>Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Sosial Sains </strong>dengan metodologi penelitian yang memenuhi standar yang ditetapkan untuk publikasi.</p> en-US (Erwan Aristyanto) (Aditya Surya Nanda) Sun, 16 Jun 2024 06:25:06 SE Asia Daylight Time OJS 60 THE EFFECT OF INTEREST RATES, MONEY SUPPLY, EXCHANGE RATES, AND GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES ON INFLATION IN INDONESIA <p><em>Inflation is one of the effects of a prolonged economic crisis that can hit a country. Inflation is a process of rising prices of goods and services in a country that takes place continuously in a long or sustainable period of time. Inflation is caused by an imbalance between the availability of goods and money. This study aims to analyze the effect of interest rates, money supply, exchange rates, and government spending on inflation in Indonesia with a range of years 2017-2022 using 72 samples. In this study using quantitative research methods, and analyzed using multiple linear regression tests and classical assumption tests using IBM SPSS Statistics 25. The results showed that interest rates have a positive effect on inflation, money supply has a negative effect on inflation, exchange rates have no effect on inflation, and government spending has a positive effect on inflation. Simultaneously the four variables affect the inflation rate in Indonesia.</em></p> Raihan Rasyidin Akhyar, Novi Khoiriawati, Lathifatul Hidayah, Binti Isnawatul Malikah, Isna Lailia Nur Rohmah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 SE Asia Daylight Time THE ROLE OF SHARIA AND LITERACY RETURNS ON INTEREST SAVING IN SHARIA BANK (Case study of Economics Faculty Students and Wijaya Putra University Business Surabaya) <p><em>This research aims to examine the impact of sharia financial literacy and interest rates on savings in sharia banks among students at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Wijaya Putra University, Surabaya. This research uses a quantitative research approach. The population consists of 676 students who are currently registered at the Wijaya Putra Faculty of Economics and Business. So after calculating using the Slovin Formula, from the total population we obtained a sample of 87 people.&nbsp; Using a Structural Equation Model (SEM) approach, specifically based on Partial Least Squares (PLS), a type of SEM that focuses on components or variance. The results of the research show that Sharia Literacy has a significantly positive effect on Interest in Saving, Returns have an effect but are not significant on Interest in Saving, Sharia Literacy and Returns have an effect but are not significant on Interest in Saving</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Mochammad Rizal Fanani; Erwan Aristyanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 14 Jun 2024 00:00:00 SE Asia Daylight Time EFFECT OF APPLICATION OF GREEN ACCOUNTING AND CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILTY AGAINST COMPANY VALUE AT MANUFACTURING COMPANY <p>This study tests and analyzes how implementation of green accounting and corporate<br>social responsibility on firm value in manufacturing companies basic industrial and<br>chemical sectors listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2020-2022. The data came<br>from the Indonesian Stock Exchange’s annual report which was published. Twelve<br>manufacturing companies in the basic industrial and chemical that were listed on the<br>Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2020-2022 serve as the study’s sample. Data analysis was<br>done using SPSS version 26. The implementation of green accounting and corporate<br>social responsibility have a favorable and significant association, according to research<br>findings. However the green accounting variable has a negative impact on firm value<br>whereas the corporate social responsibility varaible has positive impact on firm value.</p> Amelia Wahyu Erwanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 15 Jun 2024 12:41:24 SE Asia Daylight Time ANALYZE THE INFLUENCE OF FEATURE USE PAYLATER ON THE SHOPEE APPLICATION (Case Study of Communities in the District Menganti-Gresik) <p>This study aims to analyze the effect of convenience, interest rates and perceived risk on the<br>interest of the people in Menganti district to use the Paylater feature on the Shopee Application. The unit of<br>analysis in this study is the people who live in the Menganti district who have used Shopee Paylater as many as<br>83 people. Samples were taken using sampling quotas. the technique of determining samples from a population<br>that have characteristics to the desired amount (quota). Researchers select samples based on certain criteria so<br>that researchers get the appropriate sample. Data analysis was performed using statistics using SPSS version<br>26. Based on the results of data analysis using the t test, it is knows that interest rates partially have a<br>significant influence on interest in using Shopee Paylater. Meanwhile, convenience and perceived risk do not<br>significantly influence in using Shopee Paylater. So for the company are advised to Pay attention to interest<br>rates so that this feature remains popular with the publik</p> Anisa Dwi Indriyani; Bachtiar Rahman Halik ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 16 Jun 2024 05:51:16 SE Asia Daylight Time FINANCIAL RATIO ANALYSIS AS A TOOL FOR MEASURING FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE IN PT. BATURAJA CEMENT (PERSERO) <p><em>The financial performance of PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) for the period 2020-2022 needs to be evaluated to determine the effectiveness of management in managing the company's finances. The purpose of the study is to measure the financial performance of PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) through financial statement analysis over the period 2020, 2021, and 2022. This study uses various types of financial ratios such as Liquidity, Solvency, and Profitability. The research method used is qualitative with a quantitative approach. The data used is sourced from the financial statements of PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk for the years 2020, 2021, and 2022, obtained from the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The analysis results show that the company has good liquidity because current assets are higher than current liabilities. The solvency ratio level is quite healthy. Although the Debt to Asset Ratio (DAR) indicates high debt, the low Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) values show that most of the assets are still funded by equity. The company's profitability level is less healthy. Although the Gross Profit Margin (GPM) shows positive results and is higher than the industry average, other ratios such as Operating Profit Margin (OPM), Net Profit Margin (NPM), Return on Assets (ROA), and Return on Equity (ROE) indicate that the company has significant room for improvement in operational efficiency, cost management, and optimization of asset and equity utilization</em><em>.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Analysis, Liquidity, Solvency, Profitability</em></p> Nursella Ramadani, Boris Brahmono ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 SE Asia Daylight Time INTELLECTUAL INFLUENCE CAPITAL ON PERFORMANCE FINANCE WITH STRATEGY BUSINESS AS MODERATION (Empirical Study of Companies Food Sector Manufacturing And Drinks Listed on the IDX Year 2019 – 2021) <p>The aim of this research is to identify the impact of intellectual capital on financial<br>performance by considering business strategy as a moderating factor. In this research, the population<br>used is manufacturing companies operating in the food and beverage sector listed on the Indonesia<br>Stock Exchange from 2019-2021. For sampling, this research used a purposive sampling technique,<br>where 16 food and drink samples were selected that met predetermined criteria. This research uses<br>SPSS 21. In this research, moderated regression analysis is used. The results of data analysis show that<br>intellectual capital does not have a direct significant influence on financial performance, but the<br>influence of intellectual capital on financial performance can be moderated with the help of business<br>strategy. Therefore, companies must identify intellectual resources and build a moderate business<br>strategy</p> Stefania Lewa Lam; Antoni Antoni ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 18 Jun 2024 00:00:00 SE Asia Daylight Time The EFFECT OF CAPITAL STRUCTURE, INFLUENCE OF AMOUNT AND DEVELOPMENT ON BUSINESS VALUE MODERATION GCG SUBJECT FOOD AND BEVERAGE COMPANIES ON BEI 2016 - 2020 <p>The aim of this research is to find out how capital structure, the influence of size and development influence business value which is moderated by GCG. This quantitative research approach uses secondary data about 30 food and beverage companies listed on the IDX from 2016 to 2020 and samples were taken from seven companies, the data collection technique used purposive sampling technique. Data processing analysis uses the partial least square PLS technique using the smart PLS application. The research results show that GCG influences capital structure directly and significantly; size and development are not directly and significantly influenced by GCG; business value is not directly and significantly influenced by GCG; and the amount does not affect ownership directly or significantly.</p> Aditya Angger Wibowo ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 23 Jun 2024 08:44:57 SE Asia Daylight Time