AGRIWITAS (Agribisnis Wijaya Putra Surabaya) 2023-12-21T09:47:48SE Asia Standard Time HERI SUSANTO Open Journal Systems THE EFFECT OF THE USE OF AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY ON INCOME AND EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES FARM WORKERS (Case Study of the Community of Balongpanggang Village, Balongpanggang District, Gresik Regency) 2023-12-21T09:47:36SE Asia Standard Time administrator administrator Ananda Istiqomah Nurfauzia Ramon Syahrial <p>This study discusses the about influence of agricultural equipment technology on employment<br>opportunities and farm laborers' income in Balongpanggang, Balongpanggang sub-district,<br>Gresik district. The purpose of this research is to find out how the technology of agricultural<br>equipment affects the employment opportunities and income of farm worker. The existence of<br>agricultural equipment technology has negative and positive impacts in Balongpanggang<br>village, the conclusion from this study is that the negative effect means that the decreasing<br>Agricultural Equipment Technology will affect the increase in Job Opportunities for farm<br>laborers and for this positive influence it means that the increasing Agricultural Equipment<br>Technology will affect This increase in income is because the technology of agricultural<br>equipment is considered to save working time and costs in land management. But on the other<br>hand, the presence of agricultural equipment technology has also shifted the work of farm<br>laborers who initially used traditional tools. The type of research used is quantitative research<br>with a population of farmhands in the village of Balongpanggang and using the saturation<br>theory formula, namely with 23 respondents and all of them will be sampled. The method used<br>to test this research is to test the validity, reliability test, t test , classic assumption test, pearson<br>bivariate correlation test and simple regression analysis. The analytical tool in this study uses<br>SPSS version 20</p> 2023-12-21T05:46:43SE Asia Standard Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS OF SEMI-INTENSIVE MILK FISH TAMBAK BUSINESS IN TAMBAK BERAS VILLAGE, CERME DISTRICT, GRESIK DISTRICT 2023-12-21T09:47:39SE Asia Standard Time administrator administrator Bahtiar Wahyu Utomo Faisol Humaidi <p>Public awareness of the importance of consuming healthy and nutritious animal<br>protein has encouraged an increase in national fish consumption of 50<br>kg/capita/year. Availability of food plays an important role in fulfilling sufficient<br>energy and calories to increase productivity. Gresik is the only district in East Java<br>that has been designated as a pilot for the development of aquaculture through the<br>aquaculture industrialization program with the main commodities being milkfish<br>and shrimp. The total area of fish farming ponds in Gresik Regency is 32.00 Ha.<br>This study aims to determine the constraints faced by pond farmers, analyze fish<br>pond business income, and analyze the feasibility of fish pond business. This<br>research is a case study in Tambak Beras Village, Cerme District, Gresik Regency.<br>The number of samples considered sufficient to represent the entire population,<br>namely at least 10%. Data collection was carried out by interviewing or direct<br>interviews with fish pond farmers. Data analysis used is qualitative and quantitative<br>data consisting of total costs, income analysis, Revenue Cost Ratio analysis,<br>Benevit Cost Ratio analysis, Break Event Point (BEP). The average income of<br>milkfish pond farming is Rp. 14,527,690. Analysis of the feasibility of milkfish pond<br>business showed an R/C ratio of 1.51, a B/C ratio of 1.18, a production BEP of 8.22</p> 2023-12-21T06:00:47SE Asia Standard Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY IN BEAN SPROUTS BUSINESS CENTERS IN HULAAN VILLAGE, MENGANTI DISTRICT, GRESIK REGENCY 2023-12-21T09:47:41SE Asia Standard Time administrator administrator Ramadhan Saputra Faisol Humaidi <p>This study aims to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the<br>process of developing bean sprouts business centers, as well as determine the strategy for<br>developing the bean sprouts business in Hulaan Village, Menganti District, Gresik<br>Regency. The analytical method used in this research is descriptive analysis and SWOT<br>analysis. The sampling technique used in this study used a purposive sampling technique.<br>The sample was taken by 16 people from bean sprout business owners in Hulaan Village,<br>Menganti District, Gresik Regency. From the results of identification that has been carried<br>out from the internal factors of strengths and weaknesses, 12 aspects have been found, and<br>from external factors, opportunities and threats have been found to be 7 aspects that will<br>be related to the strategy for developing bean sprouts business centers. This study shows<br>that the strategic position of the development of the bean sprouts business center in Hulaan<br>Village, Menganti District, Gresik Regency is in quadrant I, which means that the bean<br>sprouts business center in Hulaan Village has internal strength in its development. From<br>the results of the analysis that has been carried out, as a strategy recommendation given is<br>an Aggressive strategy, meaning maximizing strengths and taking advantage of existing<br>opportunities to get the bean sprouts business development strategy implemented.</p> 2023-12-21T06:13:47SE Asia Standard Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## ANALYSIS OF PRODUCTION OPTIMIZATION IN PHOSKA FERTILIZERAGRIBUSINESS IN CV. DEWI SRI RAMA KEPULUNGAN, SUB-DISTRICT. GEMPOL, PASURUAN CITY, EAST JAVA 2023-12-21T09:47:43SE Asia Standard Time administrator administrator Safrianus Sabdu Heri Susanto <p>Fertilizer is wrong one production factors main besides, land, power work and<br>capital. Fertilization hold important role in effort increase agricultural product. Fertilizer<br>is which materials added on growing media plant or plant For sufficient needs the required<br>nutrients plants to be productive with good. Pasuruan as Wrong one regency big East Java<br>Province after city surabaya. Fertilizer is element hara which edded in land for increase<br>fertility land and plant. Study this aim know is business production Fertilizer npk phoska<br>in Cv. Dewi Sri Rama, Kepulungan, Subdistrict Gempol, Regency Pasuruan, East Java has<br>run in a manner efficient and get profit which optimal or no. Method study which used is<br>description analysis data which used thatis (1).appropriateness business (2).profit business<br>which obtained difference from reception cost total. Results study showing that evarage<br>business production Fertilizer npk phoska in Cv. Dewi Sri Ram, kepulungan, Subdistrict<br>Gempol, Regency Pasuruan, East Java as big Rp. 275.364.444,–, evarage income which<br>obtained is Rp. 300.000.000,-, so that profit evarage is Rp. 24.635.556,- value k BEP 1.974<br>and value efficiency R/C ratio more from one is Rp. 1.333, it means every Rp.50.000 which<br>issued producer will obtain income as big Rp.67,25</p> 2023-12-21T08:03:32SE Asia Standard Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## INSTANT RED GINGER MARKETING STRATEGY IN WONOAYU SIDOARJO DISTRICT 2023-12-21T09:47:46SE Asia Standard Time administrator administrator Yohanes Wahyudi Cadura Didik Daryanto <p>In Lambangan Village, Wonoayu District, Sidoarjo Regency, there are several<br>MSMEs that produce instant red ginger, one of which is Hensam Sari Instant Red Ginger,<br>El Nuha Red Ginger, Instant Red Ginger Mawaddah, which has been running since 2016<br>and produces instant red ginger powder. and Temulawak. The drink's beautiful color and<br>not too spicy taste make red ginger syrup Aroma Hensam Sari Jahe Merah Instant, loved<br>by children to adults. This study has the objectives to 1). To find out the internal factors<br>and external factors which are the strengths and weaknesses as well as the opportunities<br>and threats to MSMEs in Lambangan Village in marketing instant red ginger. 2) To find<br>out the marketing strategy alternatives for instant red ginger that are implemented by<br>MSMEs in Lambangan Village. 3). Want to know the marketing of instant red ginger that<br>is good for MSMEs in Lambangan Village. The research used the survey method, the data<br>collection method was carried out by interviews, observations and documentation studies<br>to the respondents, namely visitors and MSME managers in Lambangan Village directly.<br>Methods of data analysis using quantitative description analysis. Analysis through QSPM.<br>Strategic Decision Making Based on the SWOT analysis diagram, it is known that the<br>alternative instant red ginger marketing strategy in Lambangan Village strongly supports<br>the SO strategy, which consists of increasing production quantity, improving service to<br>agents and customers.</p> 2023-12-21T08:20:33SE Asia Standard Time ##submission.copyrightStatement##