Journal of System Engineering and Technological Innovation (JISTI) 2024-04-30T05:36:25SE Asia Daylight Time Open Journal Systems The Journal of System Engineering and Technological Innovation (JISTI) Effect Of Heat And Time On A 5 Kg Capacity Clothes Dryer Machine 2024-04-30T05:36:25SE Asia Daylight Time Meki Alfonsus Ferdinan Boki Muharom Muharom Slamet Riyadi Siswadi Siswadi Gatot Setyono <p><em>Utilization of natural energy sources such as solar thermal energy and geothermal energy converted into electrical energy through appropriate technology has been widely used and cannot be separated from the climate. One of them is the process of drying clothes. The drying process used by many people is still simple, namely by drying directly under the sun. This method is less effective because it takes a long time and still depends on the weather. So from here, we will innovate in making a clothes dryer that uses a heating element as a heat source and a fan. The purpose of using a heating element and fan is to help speed up the process of drying clothes in a short time without having to wait a long time and to be able to control the temperature of clothes.</em></p> 2024-04-28T12:02:12SE Asia Daylight Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sistem Informasi PPDB Dengan Menerapkan Metode Simple Additive Weight (SAW) Dalam Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Sekolah 2024-04-29T08:24:47SE Asia Daylight Time Candra Novaliandi Pranata Putra Alven Safik Ritonga <p>This research proposes and implements a web-based New Student Admission Information System (PPDB) using the Simple Additive Weight (SAW) method as a decision support system for school selection. The case study was conducted at the Lidah Kulon I/464 Surabaya Elementary School. The background of this research is driven by the significant impact of information technology advancements in the education sector. Lidah Kulon I/464 Surabaya Elementary School, as an educational institution committed to achieving excellence, discipline, faith, science and technology (IPTEK), as well as environmental awareness, strives to reduce paper usage in the new student registration process by transitioning to a more efficient administrative information system. The results of the tests state that the system has succeeded in various aspects, including the use of the Certainty Factor Method, diagnosis menu, information menu, login menu, and others. The conclusion of this research is that the system has been implemented successfully, supporting the efficiency of the PPDB process, and providing easy access to users. System development recommendations for the future include flexibility without hard coding, more comprehensive user management, the development of a more advanced school selection system, more accurate entrance fee calculations, and considerations for seasonal factors and school promotions.</p> <p><strong>Keyword: </strong>PPDB Information System, Simple Additive Weight (SAW), Method Student Registration, Efficiency Educational Administration</p> 2024-04-28T12:02:46SE Asia Daylight Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analysis Of The Design And Construction Of A Water Spinach (Ipomoea Aquatica) Vegetable Drying Chamber With A Spiral Type Heater 2024-04-30T05:18:52SE Asia Daylight Time Okon Agustyan Wahid Wahyu Nugroho Navik Kholili Dwi Khusna Alfi Nugroho Mochammad Muchid <p><em>The food drying process is an innovative method to change the process of reducing the water content of fresh food products of plant origin to slow down the emergence and growth of unwanted microorganisms. This heating system has four heating elements, where the heating elements used have a power of 1200W because each heating element has a power of 300W. During the drying process, it is known that the average air temperature in the drying room is higher when using solar energy compared to a heating system. The average temperature measurement during the day is 38°C. The measurement results tend to be constant, with an average of 34°C for 7 hours using the heating system. The battery voltage shows an increase every hour. At 08:30 am the battery voltage was 12.3V, and until 16.00 the voltage was 13.57V. This dryer is sourced from solar energy because using solar for drying requires a longer time, namely 8 hours (08.30-16.00), compared to using a heating system for 7 hours.</em></p> 2024-04-28T12:03:24SE Asia Daylight Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## Rancang Bangun Wind Tunnel Spesifikasi Kecepatan Angin Rendah Terhadap Intensitas Turbulensi Aliran Udara 2024-04-28T12:13:43SE Asia Daylight Time Miftahul Ulum M. Adie Firmansyah Novi Indah Riani <p><em>Air flow in the view of fluid mechanics phenomena is very important to study, for this reason many researchers have carried out experiments to prove that air flow has various characteristics in aerodynamics. In this research, researchers tried to create an air flow test tool, namely the Win Tunnel with low wind capacity, which is usually referred to as subsonic, as a learning medium for measuring laboratory capacity air flow. The method used in this research is experimental, where first a Subsonic Wind Tunnel design is created that can be used as a test tool, before the test tool can be used properly. In this study, the parameters used to determine the suitability of the tool were measuring the turbulence intensity value by placing positions in the test section, namely the front, middle and back of the test section location. by using variations in inverter fan rotation at frequencies of 15 Hz, 30 Hz and 45 Hz. The results of this research obtained a Mach Number value below 0.3, which proves that the Wint Tunnel made has the correct specifications, namely subsonic. From the results of positioning in the test section to obtain turbulence intensity, the results were 11.15%, 7.83%, and 12.5% at f15 Hz, 6.54%, 2%, and 2.76% at f30 Hz, while at f45 Hz the results were 2.47%, 0.87%, and 1.67%.</em>. <em>The best position for placing the pitot tube is in the middle of the test section</em></p> 2024-04-28T12:03:54SE Asia Daylight Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penyesuaian Harga Dan Penambahan Stok Barang Sewa Berbasis Web Menggunakan Metode SAW Pada Studi Kasus Perusahaan Doctor COS 2024-04-28T12:17:20SE Asia Daylight Time Wahyu Khurniawan Nurwahyudi Widhiyanta <p>Costume rental is currently a growing rental service business, but data</p> <p>management is generally done manually. At first, there were no problems with</p> <p>manual management, but as the number of costumes available and the costumes</p> <p>for rent increased, the amount of data that had to be managed increased, and</p> <p>manual data management became difficult, recorded transactions were also</p> <p>inefficient. it is necessary to build a computerized decision-making support system,</p> <p>such as adjusting the price of clothing and the quantity of goods on the market, as</p> <p>well as the accuracy and speed of presenting information. Building this system</p> <p>begins with collecting data about the system to be built, analyzing it, and designing</p> <p>a system based on these results using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW)</p> <p>method. This method was chosen because the saw method is more popular</p> <p>because the calculation process is easier to understand, faster and simpler. The</p> <p>next step of the program can be made according to the design results. After the</p> <p>program is built, tests are run to check that the program built is as expected. The</p> <p>final step in this activity is to create system documentation which is realized in the</p> <p>form of a research report. The result of this research is a computer-assisted</p> <p>decision support application which, if implemented, is expected to overcome all</p> <p>data management problems in the rental business.</p> 2024-04-28T12:04:28SE Asia Daylight Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## Optimasi Biaya Transportasi Logistik Dan Penentuan Lokasi Gudang Baru Menggunakan Metode Center Of Gravity (COG) 2024-04-28T12:18:34SE Asia Daylight Time Fitriya Gemala Dewi M. Dikya Aprisi Anansyah Astria Hindratmo Chendrasari Wahyu Oktavia <p><em>To support product delivery, there is a need for distribution centers to send in a timely manner to various regions in Java Island. Research at PT. XYZ has a goal to determine the location of distribution centers that are effective and efficient in terms of minimizing transportation costs, because currently there are only old warehouses that are too far from distributors, with this distribution center, we can find out the cost comparison of product delivery to the intended distributor, and can also find out whether the center of gravity method can be applied to PT. XYZ or not. The case study of this research is product delivery in the East Java region by collecting product delivery data at PT. XYZ. This study uses Google Maps software to determine the coordinates of each customer, then calculates and processes the data using the Center of Gravity method. The research results obtained are the location of the new distribution center which is located in Kebontemu Hamlet, Peterongan District, Jombang Regency. With the new distribution center optimized by grouping, the effect on reducing transportation costs is 47%, and distances are 54%.</em></p> 2024-04-28T12:05:02SE Asia Daylight Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## Penerapan Lean Manufacturing dengan Metode Value Stream Mapping (VSM) untuk Meningkatkan Produktifitas (Studi Kasus: PT. XYZ) 2024-04-28T12:06:59SE Asia Daylight Time Noviyana Noviyana M. Hasan Abdullah Ampar Jaya Suwondo Ong Andre Wahyu Riyanto <h2>PT. XYZ mengalami masalah dalam hal efisiensi dan efektivitas produksi, yang dapat berdampak pada kualitas produk dan kepuasan pelanggan. PT. XYZ merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang produksi speaker. <em>Assembly Line</em> 1 merupakan unit yang memproduksi salah satu komponen yang terdiri dari beberapa <em>work station</em> dimana terjadi <em>waste</em>. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengindentifikasi <em>waste</em> dan meningkatkan produktivitas dengan pendekatan <em>Lean</em> <em>Manufacturing</em> dan metode <em>Value Stream Mapping</em> (VSM) sebagai <em>tool</em>. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian akan ditunjukkan melalui analisis sebelum dan setelah penerapan <em>Lean Manufacturing</em>. Sehingga akan terlihat hasil peningkatan produktifitas yang diharapkan. Adapun <em>Manufacturing Lead Time </em>aktual sebesar 14.415 detik, setara dengan 4 jam dan <em>Process Cycle Efficiency</em> aktual sebesar 30,35 %. Setelah dilakukan perbaikan nilai <em>Manufacturing Lead Time</em> mengalami penurunan menjadi 9.875 detik setara dengan 2,75 jam dan <em>Process Cycle Efficienc</em>y mengalami peningkatan menjadi 44,30 %.</h2> 2024-04-28T12:05:33SE Asia Daylight Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## Rancang Bangun Prototipe Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) Pada Proses Material Handling Dengan Metode Quality Function Deployment (QFD) 2024-04-28T12:19:51SE Asia Daylight Time Djati Kusuma Onny Purnamayudhia Subaderi Subaderi Krisnadhi Hariyanto <p><em>Automated Guided Vehicle</em> (AGV) merupakan sebuah robot otonom yang secara luas digunakan di industri moderen. AGV sering digunakan sebagai alat pemindah barang. Tingkat akurasi dan keamanan yang tinggi serta biaya operasional dan perawatan yang rendah merupakan beberapa alasan penggunaan AGV di industri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sistem mekanik dan merancang sistem navigasi pada prototipe AGV. Metode QFD (<em>Quality Function Deployment</em>) digunakan untuk mengetahui prioritas karakteristik teknis berdasarkan kepuasan dan kepentingan pelanggan yang diperoleh dari hasil kuesioner. Berdasarkan matriks HOQ (<em>House of Quality</em>), diketahui terdapat 4 dimensi kualitas beserta bobotnya yaitu; fungsi (4.10), ergonomi (4.20), keandalan (3.77) dan estetika (4.13). Selain itu terdapat 8 <em>technical requirement</em> untuk memenuhi dimensi tersebut. Prototipe yang dihasilkan mempunyai navigasi terdiri dari sensor magnetik, sensor penghalang infrared dan <em>rotary encoder</em>. Sistem penggerak menggunakan motor DC dan motor servo dengan rangkaian pengendali arduino. Prototipe juga dilengkapi dengan sistem tenaga baterai yang mampu bertahan selama 3 jam dan mampu mengangkut beban hingga 25kg. Proses pengujian sistem dilakukan dengan menguji fungsionalitas dari setiap komponen penyusun AGV secara terpisah. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa sistem mekanik dan elektronik AGV bekerja sesuai dengan rancangan.</p> 2024-04-28T12:06:10SE Asia Daylight Time ##submission.copyrightStatement##