Peer Review Process

Journal of System Engineering and Technological Innovation (JISTI) conducted double blind review process for articles. Therefore, it outlines policy for peer-reviewers in conducting review. Their contribution will help JISTI in achieving its aim to commit prominent national and International Journal standard. Therefore, the following are our review policy:

We ask peer-reviewers to analyse whether the submitted articles are qualified to focus and scope of JISTI.

  1. A manuscript with multiple submission to other journals cannot be tolerated.
  2. Editor will point at least 2 reviewers with the same subject to author to review the article.
  3. The articles will be sent to peer reviewer and will go to the next selection by Blind Peer review Process.
  4. Editor will inform authors on further review when it is needed.
  5. Decision on all publication made by Editors-in-Chief based on the referees' reports. Authors would be notified promptly when their papers are not accepted.
  6. All submitted manuscripts are treated as confidential documents. We expect our Board of Reviewing Editors and reviewers to treat manuscripts as confidential material as well.
  7. Manuscripts are not charged for the review process.