• Ida Susanti
  • C.Sri Hartati
  • Gurendro Putro


Sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan
status kesehatan masyarakat serta
mensukseskan program jaminan sosial
bidang kesehatan, sesuai dengan Peraturan
Presiden Nomor 12 Tahun 2013 tentang
Jaminan Kesehatan Pasal 21 Ayat 1, maka
dilaksanakan Prolanis. Peserta BPJS
Kesehatan mendapatkan fasilitas Prolanis
yaitu pelayanan kesehatan promotif dan
Prolanis adalah suatu sistem
produktivitas masyarakat. Untuk itu BPJS
melalui Program pengelolaan penyakit
kronis (Prolanis) melakukan upaya
promotif dan preventif yang terintegrasi
dan model pengelolaan penyakit kronis
bagi peserta penderita penyakit kronis,
seperti Diabetes Militus.
Fenomena tingginya kasus diabetes
militus dan hipertensi di Sidoarjo juga
dapat dilihat dari kunjungan pasien ke
Klinik Prima Medika Sidoarjo. Berdasarkan
data Klinik Prima Medika Surabaya, rata-
The purpose of this study is to know and analyze the quality of service, efforts to improve the quality
of service, obstacles and how to overcome the barriers of service quality in the Program of
Management of Chronic Disease (Prolanis) diabetes mellitus patients in Prima Medika Clinic
Sidoarjo. This research is a qualitative research to analyze service quality in Chronic Disease
Management Program (Prolanis) of diabetes mellitus patient in Prima Medika Clinic Sidoarjo.
Primary data were obtained from in-depth interviews of patients, doctors, nurses, administrators,
and BPJS officers. The results showed that the Prima Medika Clinic in Sidoarjo already has a good
service quality in organizing the Prolanis of diabetes mellitus patients. The clinic's efforts in
improving the quality of proline services is by providing medical consultation, education /
counseling, reminder via SMS / phone, home visite for participants who are not coming 3 times,
Prolanis gymnastics, health monitoring. As for Prolanis obstacles that some Prolanis participants
are often absent in Prolanis activities, diabetics do not nurse maximally, lack of coordination and
cooperation between faskes 1 and faskes 2. To overcome barriers, home visits from Prolanis
participants are frequent not present in activities to find out the cause, integrated data update about
people affected by diabetes mellitus disease, increased cooperation between faskes 1 and 2.

Keywords: service quality, chronic disease management program

How to Cite
Susanti, I., Hartati, C., & Putro, G. (2018). KUALITAS PELAYANAN PROGRAM PENGELOLAAN PENYAKIT KRONIS (PROLANIS) PASIEN DIABETES MILITUS DI KLINIK PRIMA MEDIKA SIDOARJO. Jurnal Manajerial Bisnis, 1(03). https://doi.org/10.37504/jmb.v1i03.61

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