EL2J (English Language and Literature Journal)
<p><strong>EL2J </strong>adalah <strong>Jurnal Bahasa & Sastra Wijaya Putra</strong> yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Bahasa & Sastra Universitas Wijaya Putra Surabaya, Indonesia. Jurnal ini diterbitkan pada tahun 2022 dengan Vol 1 No 1 dengan terbit dua kali per tahun dengan nama jurnal EL2J. Jurnal Ilmiah EL2J merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang terbit secara on-line dan menerbitkan artikel atau karya ilmiah hasil penelitian dalam bidang Bahasa Inggris yang terkait tentang Bahasa Inggris. Jurnal EL2J terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun yaitu pada bulan Juli dan Desember</p>Fakultas Bahasa & Sastra Universitas Wijaya Putraen-USEL2J (English Language and Literature Journal)2963-3745A Deixis Analysis in Taylor Swift’s Anti-Hero
<p><em>The objective of this research is to analyse the kinds of deixis and the types is more dominant used in Anti-Hero song lyrics. This research using qualitative method to analyse the kinds of deixis and the types is more dominant used in Anti-Hero song lyrics. The source of data taken from lyrics of Taylor Swift song lyrics Anti-Hero on the internet website genius.com. The data collected by: First, visiting and reading the music and lyrics platform to find out all the lyrics concerning with the object of the study and read all the lyrics from Anti-Hero song lyrics by Taylor Swift. Second, copy pasting the lyrics and putting all the lyrics in a folder that is formatted as a word documentation and saving it. The result of the analysis is that there are 4 types of deixis, namely, person, spatial, temporal, and social deixis in song lyrics from Anti-Hero and personal deixis is the most dominant used. The conclusion that the Anti-Hero song lyrics uses all different kinds of deixis, including person, spatial, time, and social deixis and person deixis is the most dominant form in the songs according to this study especially first-person deixis “I, me, my” that has 65 data.</em></p>Taftalia Surya PetaponiShanty DuwilaAri Astutik
2024-12-272024-12-273211110.38156/el2j.v3i2.62Types of struggles represented on the first character of “Maquia: When The Promised Flower Blooms”
<p><em>The primary aim of this research is to thoroughly analyze the various types of struggles faced by the main character, Maquia, in the animated movie Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms. To achieve this objective, the writer employed a qualitative research method, in order to find the type of struggles that Maquia encounters throughout the narrative. The source material for this research was the movie itself, which was obtained from the internet via the website: https://kusonime.com. The data collection process involved several key steps: first, downloading the movie Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms; second, watching the film attentively; and third, taking detailed notes on the dialogues and scenes that specifically depict the types of struggles faced by Maquia. Through this analysis, the writer identified three distinct types of struggles based on Georgia’s struggle theory: Man vs. Self, Man vs. Society, and Man vs. Fate or Destiny. These struggles are evident in various aspects of Maquia’s journey, particularly highlighting the challenges she faces as a single mother. Ultimately, the research concludes that the struggles depicted in Maquia’s story serve as a poignant representation of the profound difficulties associated with single motherhood, underscoring the emotional and societal challenges that accompany this role.</em></p> <p> </p>Khrisna Cahya WibowoYeni ProbowatiShanty Duwila
2024-12-272024-12-2732122310.38156/el2j.v3i2.56A Masculinity of Gender Stereotypes in Brave Motion Picture
<p><em>Movies are a potent medium for learning, as they are not only accessible but also have the capability to shape behaviour and provoke meaningful conversations. It is crucial to recognize that not all cinematic content promotes positive examples; some scenes reinforce negative portrayals and harmful stereotypes. This study decisively examines the gender dynamics in the Walt Disney Company film "Brave," which exemplifies the persistent issue of gender stereotypes in media. The primary objective of this research is to assertively analyse the gender roles depicted in children's films, with a particular focus on Merida’s character in "Brave." A qualitative research approach is adopted, employing a thorough methodology that includes multiple viewings of the film, detailed summary readings, extensive note-taking, script interpretation, identification of key terms and dialogues, and review of pertinent academic journals and articles online. This study delves into the gender dynamics presented in the Walt Disney Company’s animated film "Brave," which serves as a compelling example of the lingering issue of gender stereotypes in media. The primary goal of this research is to critically assess the gender roles depicted in children's films, with a particular emphasis on the character of Merida in "Brave." It seeks to understand how Merida challenges traditional gender expectations and whether she ultimately conforms to established gender norms. The research questions are designed to scrutinize the characteristics of Princess Merida. The findings reveal that Merida embodies ten distinct masculine traits, illustrating her complexity as a character who defies conventional expectations of femininity.</em></p>Tirta Agraprana Dharpa SugiantoYeni ProbowatiYulis Setyowati
2024-12-272024-12-2732244210.38156/el2j.v3i2.58Overcoming Barriers: Exploring English Learning Anxiety Among 10th-Grade Students at Madrasah Aliyah Balongrejo
<p><em>This study investigates the anxiety experienced by 10th-grade students of Madrasah Aliyah Balongrejo Jombang in learning English. The research focuses on five types of anxiety: communication, performance, test, assessment, and comprehension. Using a descriptive quantitative approach, the study highlights significant levels of anxiety among students, including nervousness when speaking English, fear of misunderstanding, and stress during exams. Recommendations are proposed, such as implementing supportive teaching methods, providing psychological interventions, and organizing skill-enhancing programs to mitigate anxiety and improve students' English proficiency.</em></p>Maisarah MaisarahAchmad FananiLatifah Rachman
2024-12-272024-12-2732435210.38156/el2j.v3i2.59Unveiling the Art of Metaphor Translation Techniques in Eragon by Christopher Paolini
<p><em>This study investigates the translation procedures used by Sendra B. Tanuwidjaya to convey metaphors from Christopher Paolini's “Eragon” novel into Indonesian. Based on George Lakoff's metaphor theory and Hurtado Albir's translation theory, it identifies 139 metaphors that are classified as structural (77), orientational (15), and ontological (47). Using a descriptive qualitative method, the research focuses on the translator's use of strategies such as literal translation, modulation, and modification to balance the original's tone and style with cultural relevance for Indonesian readers. The findings highlight the significance of nuanced tactics in literary translation and encourage additional research into the difficulties of metaphor translation.</em></p>Reza NoerSyafa'ahDeny KuswahonoSurya Priyambudi