Peran Kebijakan Publik dalam Mendorong Inovasi Teknologi: Perspektif Pelaku Industri dan Pemerintah

  • Berliana Mustika Rani Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur
Keywords: Innovation, Public Policy, Stakeholders


This research aims to explore the role of public policy in encouraging technological innovation in Indonesia through a qualitative approach. The focus of the research lies in the obstacles to policy implementation, the views of industry players and the government regarding policy effectiveness, as well as adoption strategies to improve the effectiveness of public policies. Primary data was obtained through in-depth interviews with policymakers and industry players, while secondary data came from official government documents and academic literature. The results show that public policy has great potential to support technological innovation, but its implementation often faces obstacles such as ineffective coordination between institutions, limited resources, and community resistance. The views of industry players underscore the need for regulatory simplification and increased their involvement in policy formulation, while the government emphasizes coordination challenges and administrative capacity as key inhibiting factors. Effective adoption strategies involve multi-stakeholder participation, the use of digital technologies to support transparency and efficiency, and the strengthening of evidence-based policy evaluation mechanisms. This study concludes that technological innovation policies in Indonesia require a more inclusive, flexible, and responsive approach to field needs. However, the limited number of informants and the focus on the Indonesian context are the limitations of this research. Further research is suggested to use a mixed approach and explore the role of digital technology and policy evaluation more in-depth to produce a more comprehensive understanding.
