Author Guidelines

Some Essentials

Academicians are interested in sending empirical research papers to Ekonomi bisnis dan Social (JEBS) , must write their manuscripts at least 4000 words, excluding pictures, tables, and references. The submitted manuscript must be written in Indonesian or English. Authors should declare that the accepted manuscript is truly belongs to them and is not sent elsewhere for publication. The same author can only send a new manuscript back to Ekonomi bisnis dan Social (JEBS) if it has passed five editions from the date of publication of the last manuscript.

A double-blind review process is applied for all submitted papers. Each submitted manuscript should be without information about the author(s) and their affiliation to facilitate the double-blind peer-review process.

We will run similarity test for the submitted articles using Turnitin. The tolerance level of similarity is about 20%.

Conference papers can be considered for publication in Ekonomi bisnis dan Social (JEBS) if those papers are fully re-written and are also obtained necessary written permission from the copyright owner (if those papers have been published and the publisher holds the right).

General Writing Instructions:

  1. Articles should be typed using Microsoft Office Word (or alike) and saved at least in the form of Microsoft Word 97 - 2003 document formats.
  2. The entire article must be written using Times New Roman letter type, with 12 pt. in size, 1 spacing, A4 paper size. Please allow for one spacing between chapters.
  3. Allow top margins of 3 cm, bottom margins of 3 cm, left margins of 3 cm and right margin 3 cm.
  4. Tables and pictures should credit the source (if they are taken from other references) and be numbered sequentially.
  5. Title of the table is centered and typed before the table itself using letter type of Times New Roman with size 12 pt. The contents of the table are written in the same size letters (Times New Roman with size 12 pt.)
  6. Title of the picture is centered and typed after the picture itself using letter type of Times New Roman with size 12 pt. For authors who provide diagrams or graphs, please make sure that all diagrams and graphs is editable so editor can resize easily to fit the space in the printed version.
  7. Mathematical and statistical formula must be numbered sequentially and be cited properly (if they from other sources). Please use Microsoft Equation to type the formula that can ease the editor for the copy-editing process.
  8. All citations and references have to be listed completely in list of references, and vice versa. Please consider using citation management software, such as Mendeley and Endnote, for ensuring the citation to be well-managed.

Sequences of the Manuscripts

Interested authors should structure their articles based on the following sequences, otherwise Ekonomi bisnis dan Social (JEBS) will return the articles for revision.

  • Title
    Title uses Times New Roman Strong with size 24 pt. The title is in the middle and is capitalized at the beginning of the sentence and the rest is in lowercase. Use bold font for the title.
  • Abstract
    The abstract uses times new roman with 10 pt. The abstract should be no longer than 200 words and must include the research problem and purpose, research methods, research findings, contributions, or implications.
  • Keywords
    Keyword maximum representing the five most relevant subjects written using times new roman with 12 pt. Keywords are words or phrases that frequently appear in the article and commonly reflect discussion topic.
  • Introduction
    Introduction covers the background of the research issues, indications and research problems, research objectives, originalities of ideas and research contribution. The relevant review of previous research should be well-organized to provide interesting scientific argumentation and attract more readers' curiosity.
  • Literature Review
    Literature review cites theories and previous researches that are relevant to the topic of the research. For quantitative research, this section serves as a theoretical synthesis and logical basis for developing research hypotheses and models.
  • Research Methods
    This section describes the theoretical foundations and technical information that is adequate for conducting and reproducing the research well, including details of types of research and the reasons for choosing, nature of collected data and the collection methods, methods of analyzing data, and finally, how to make decisions from the data.
  • Results and Discussions
    This section elaborates the results of the research completely and is usually followed by the discussion of the newly-obtained results toward the underpinning theories. The discussion can either confirm or reject prevailing theories or generate new theoretical foundations and understanding about the world phenomena from different theoretical standpoints.
  • Conclusion
    This section concludes the research results and proposes the theoretical and practical implications. In these sections, authors usually express the limitations of the current study and recommend ideas and improvements for future research.
  • References
    We expect authors to use the primary resources from journal articles in the last ten years. Authors use APA Style (6 Edition) reference system and Mendeley as reference manager.