• Endah Sulistio N
  • Dewi Puspo R
  • Dina Dwi I
  • Husni Anggoro
  • Muhammad Ervin S
  • Starry Kireida K
Keywords: Self Control, Internet Addiction, Adolescent


The purpose of this study was to see how the relationship between self control and internet
addiction in adolescents. The lower the self control, the internet addiction will increase.
Self control is the ability to control yourself, internet internet users who have high self
control are able to regulate the use of the internet so that it does not sink into the internet,
able to use the internet as needed, able to integrate online activities with other activities in
his life. Teenagers who cannot control themselves in using the internet will depend on the
internet which is commonly called internet addiction. Internet addiction can be interpreted
as a syndrome characterized by individuals spending a very large amount of time using the
internet and cannot control their use while online. This study uses a quantitative
correlational design method. The scale used is the self control scale and the internet
addiction scale that has been adapted. The results showed that there was a significant
relationship between Sig. (2-tailed) between self control and internet addiction is 0,000
<0.05. Furthermore, the relationship between self control and internet addiction is 0,000
<0.05. While the calculated value of r for the relationship of self control and internet
addiction is equal to - 0.770 <r table 0.279, it is concluded that there is a relationship
between variables. Because r count or Pearson Corellations is negative, which means the
higher the self control, the lower the internet addiction, and vice versa the lower the self
control, the higher the internet addiction.
