Increasing Environmental Awareness Through Waste Bank And Technology Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Osowilangon Benowo Tambak Surabaya

  • M. Hasan Abdullah Universitas Wijaya Putra
  • Subaderi Subaderi Universitas Wijaya Putra
  • Fitriya Gemala Dewi Universitas Wijaya Putra
Keywords: waste bank, household WWTP (Waste- water Treatment Plant)


A healthy living environment is a necessity for the community. However, public awareness of these needs is not in accordance with reality. The problem of waste and household waste water sanitation is an unresolved problem. The service program through Real Work Lectures (KKN) was carried out in RW 04, Tambak Osowilangon village. This activity was carried out by providing information on the procedures for establishing a waste bank and making healthy and inexpensive WWTP technology. The form of this service program is the growth of public awareness to maintain personal and environmental health. The community can manage waste in a modern way through a waste bank and have an WWTP that is safe for the environment.


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